learning Plan by subject
Here is how we focus on restful learning each day...and subject by subject.
We begin our day of lessons with Morning Time. For Morning Time, we all come together to learn about God's truth, goodness, and beauty through scripture and poetry memorization, singing of hymns, poetry study, artist study, composer study, Christian studies, habit training, and Latin. We loop or rotate these subjects throughout the week. We end each Morning Time with a Classic read aloud. For more details on how we do Morning Time, click the "Morning Time" button.
We begin our day of lessons with Morning Time. For Morning Time, we all come together to learn about God's truth, goodness, and beauty through scripture and poetry memorization, singing of hymns, poetry study, artist study, composer study, Christian studies, habit training, and Latin. We loop or rotate these subjects throughout the week. We end each Morning Time with a Classic read aloud. For more details on how we do Morning Time, click the "Morning Time" button.
I make it my top priority to be present with my children in mind and body during their lessons. I believe that there is no such thing as multi-tasking, just switching your attention from one thing to another, and as a result, giving less than your full attention to more than one thing at the same time.
I work one-on-one with each child for reading and math lessons. These individual lessons are essential! While I am working with one child the others are expected to play together. Then I switch until all three school-age children have had their individual lessons. In the afternoon, Audrey, my 10 year old, has spelling, English, and writing lessons while the other children are having nap time or rest time.
Finally, we do history and science all together. We loop 2-3 days of history with 2 days of science each week.
Helpful Tips for Planning Restful Learning:
1. Loop subjects.
2. Be present.
3. Individual lessons for math and reading.
4. Combine all children for many subjects.
I work one-on-one with each child for reading and math lessons. These individual lessons are essential! While I am working with one child the others are expected to play together. Then I switch until all three school-age children have had their individual lessons. In the afternoon, Audrey, my 10 year old, has spelling, English, and writing lessons while the other children are having nap time or rest time.
Finally, we do history and science all together. We loop 2-3 days of history with 2 days of science each week.
Helpful Tips for Planning Restful Learning:
1. Loop subjects.
2. Be present.
3. Individual lessons for math and reading.
4. Combine all children for many subjects.
2018-2019 Whole family lessons
History: Modern Age
Story of the World: Modern Age
Science: Botany and Zoology
Apologia: Exploring Creation with Botany- Fall Semester
Apologia: Exploring Creation with Zoology 1,2,3- Spring Semester
Art: Drawing (using Drawing with Children)
Art: Great Artists (using Great Artists)
Art: Music Theory (Tin Whistle in the Key of D)
Art: Composers and Orchestra (using Classical Music for Dummies)
Artist Study (using Simply Charlotte Mason: Picture Study Portfolios)
Composer Study (using Simply Charlotte Mason: Music Study with the Masters)
General Art: Painting, Mixed Media, Modeling, Handicrafts
Story of the World: Modern Age
- 45 minutes each day, 2-3 times each week
- Invite children to lesson with tea and treats or milk and cookies
- Read a chapter from history book
- Look to other resources, Encyclopedia of World History , History (DK Smithsonian)
- Ask questions, discuss
- Oral narration to written narration on board
- The written narration on the board becomes copy work into lesson book for the younger students (1-2 sentences, based on ability)
- Older students may add my dictation of a sentence or two more to their lesson book
- Children draw a picture to go with history entry into lesson book (just a pencil drawing or crayons and colored pencils to add color)
Science: Botany and Zoology
Apologia: Exploring Creation with Botany- Fall Semester
Apologia: Exploring Creation with Zoology 1,2,3- Spring Semester
- 45 minutes each day 2 times a week
- Invite children to lesson with tea and treats or milk and cookies
- Read from science book
- Ask questions, discuss
- Oral narration to written narration on board
- The written narration on the board becomes copy work into lesson book for the younger students (1-2 sentences, based on ability)
- Older students may add my dictation of a sentence or two more to their lesson book
- Children draw a picture or diagram to go with science entry into lesson book (just a pencil drawing or crayons and colored pencils to add color)
- Do science experiments and projects to enrich learning
- 15 minutes each day, twice a week during Morning Time
- Lessons from Latina Christiana to teach basic vocabulary and grammar
- Each day during Memory Work Time and during the study of history
- Tracing/drawing a map of world and Africa (during independent work time)
- Map Work: Locate color/trace important places from our history lesson on maps provided by Story of the World Activity Book
- Read The Children’s Golden Bible
- Lessons using Memoria Press Christian Studies I to guide discussion
- 15 minutes, once a week during Morning Time
- Plus 5 minutes of Bible verse memory work during Morning Time
Art: Drawing (using Drawing with Children)
Art: Great Artists (using Great Artists)
Art: Music Theory (Tin Whistle in the Key of D)
Art: Composers and Orchestra (using Classical Music for Dummies)
- 30 minutes once a week during Classical Conversations Community Day
Artist Study (using Simply Charlotte Mason: Picture Study Portfolios)
- 15 minutes once a week during Morning Time
Composer Study (using Simply Charlotte Mason: Music Study with the Masters)
- 15 minutes once a week during Morning Time
- Simply Charlotte Mason: Singing the Great Hymns each day during Morning Time
- Seasonal songs each day during celebration time
General Art: Painting, Mixed Media, Modeling, Handicrafts
- 15-30 minutes each day
- Seasonal arts and crafts projects to accompany picture book read-alouds
AudrEY's 5th grade individual lessons
Literature Study
English Grammar
Physical Education
- 30 minutes of independent reading each day
- 30-45 minutes each day of read-aloud time during morning time, circle time, story time, and bedtime
Literature Study
- 30 minutes of literature study each day
- Read The Cricket in Times Square, The Trumpet of the Swan, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, The Little Princess, The Secret Garden, and Heidi
- Narration
- Ask questions, Socratic discussion
- Enter into Commonplace Book
- 10-15 minutes each day
- Lessons from All About Spelling Level 6
- Review with flash cards, new teaching, spell with tiles, spell on paper
English Grammar
- 15 minutes each day
- Lessons from Essentials of the English Language
- Lessons from IEW’s Fix It! Grammar
- At least 3 sentences of dictation or written narration each day during other subjects (history, science, literature)
- About 15-20 minutes of writing lessons from Teaching Writing: Style and Structure and IEW's Ancient History-Based Writing
- 5 minutes each day
- Lessons from Simply Charlotte Mason: Hymns in Prose to teach and practice proper strokes and letter formation.
- 15-30 minutes each day
- Lessons from Math U See Epsilon
Physical Education
- Outside play time every day
- Golf lessons
- Team sports (Competition Dance Team)
Ethan's 3rd grade individual lessons
Physical Education
- 10-15 minutes each day
- Lessons from All About Reading Level 3
- Review sounds and words with flashcards, new teaching, read words with tiles, read from reader
- 15-20 minutes of independent reading each day
- 30-45 minutes each day of read-aloud time during morning time, circle time, story time, and bedtime
- 15 minutes each day
- Lessons from All About Spelling Level 3
- Review with flash cards, new teaching, spell with tiles, spell on paper
- About 10 minutes each day during other subjects (history, literature, science)
- At least 2 sentences of copywork, dictation, or written narration
- 5 minutes each day
- Lessons from Simply Charlotte Mason: A Child’s Copybook Reader to teach and practice proper strokes and letter formation.
- 15-20 minutes each day
- Lessons from Math U See Gamma
Physical Education
- Outside play time every day
- Golf lessons
- Team sports (Baseball)
Sophie's kindergarten individual lessons
Physical Education
- 10-15 minutes each day
- Lessons from All About Reading Level 1
- Review sounds and words with flash cards, new teaching, read words with tiles, read from the readers
- 15 minutes of independent reading each day
- 30-45 minutes each day of read-aloud time during morning time, circle time, story time, and bedtime
- 10 minutes each day
- Lessons from All About Spelling Level 1
- Review with flash cards, new teaching, spell with tiles, spell on paper
- About 5 minutes each day during other subjects (history, literature, science)
- At least 1 word of copywork each day
- 5 minutes each day
- Lessons from Handwriting Without Tears: Letters and Numbers for Me to teach and practice proper strokes and letter formation.
- 15 minutes each day
- Lessons from Math U See Primer
Physical Education
- Outside play time every day
- Golf lessons
- Dance classes (ballet, tap, jazz)